Lili Barillas / Wellness Coach

Headshot of Lili, wearing a cafe con leche-colored sweater, looks directly at the camera. Her chin is resting on her hand.

Lili Barillas

Pronouns: She | Her | Hers

I first came into wellness coaching after spending over a decade working in fashion design, a highly competitive and fast-paced corporate environment. I witnessed my mental and physical health deteriorate due to accumulating imbalances in my life. After realizing the effects high stress, anxiety, and an overall sense of disconnect had on my general health, I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to seek a pathway that promoted health and wellness, a practice I could share with others. From there I acquired knowledge on a vast number of dietary theories, the importance of recognizing everyone's bio-individuality, and tools to manage stress, focus, and connection.

Like you, my relationship with health and wellness has been an ongoing journey, shaped by changing circumstances in life, repeated introspection + adjustments. Stress and busy schedules impact our mindset and the decisions we make regarding nutrition and lifestyle habits. Over the course of time, we can find ourselves feeling unwell, creating lifestyle habits that don’t serve us, and ignoring the signals that something is off. On the bright side, rebalancing those areas in life is possible and you can find yourself living more intentionally and joyfully. The first steps are introspection and a desire to get back to center.

My primary specialty in wellness coaching is understanding where you are coming from and working with you to feel fulfilled and empowered in life. As your wellness coach, I will provide you with the structure and accountability to make the lifestyle and mindset adjustments that are needed to meet your goals. With my empathetic and focused approach, I create a space for self-exploration while keeping our sessions on track for progress.

My intent is to meet you where you are at today, understand the scope of what you want to work on, and get you to where you want to be in practical and sustainable measures. Whether your goals are centered on eating mindfully, getting more exercise, stress + time management, connecting to creativity, or community- we will work together to create a plan that makes sense for you. 

 My services entail 1:1 coaching (both virtual and in person). Our sessions would be 60 min in length, with access to email in between sessions for additional support. The client can choose between weekly or bi-weekly sessions, depending on their needs. To make my services accessible to all, I offer sliding scale options and packages for advantageous pricing. Please email with any questions or complete the consultation request form below.