Our Commitments


a comprehensive and compassionate approach to healing


Get Right Wellness was born out of a desire to provide our community with accessible, high-quality care by a collective of complementary practitioners to cultivate wellness of mind, body, and spirit. 

We identify and invite diverse practitioners to join Get Right Wellness so that we can offer a range of healing modalities to provide individual, family, and community wellness. We understand that healing isn’t a linear process, so we also offer group workshops to inspire self awareness and acceptance. In keeping with our commitment to our community, we offer affordable rates and an inclusive space for all. We acknowledge the socio-cultural content that we’re in, and maintain an anti-oppressive space working with practitioners who are thoughtful about each and every client relationship. 


At Get Right Wellness we believe that healing should be accessible to all and we are working to weave equity into the fabric of our operations.

We live in a world with numerous barriers to accessing help and support, especially when it comes to wellness and healing. Historically, only those with wealth and privilege have access to quality crucial services performed by dedicated practitioners. As a small business with two white co-founders in a neighborhood that is rapidly gentrifying, these practices are how we work to be in right relationship with our community. 


Here’s how we’re working to increase accessibility to healing offerings


Sliding Scale

Sliding scale is one tool to increase access to healing offerings. We intentionally collaborate with practitioners who offer a sliding scale in their practice. By offering sliding scale we acknowledge the reality that financial abundance and stability are  not accessible to everyone due to systems of oppression that disproportionately impact BIPOC, queer, trans and non-binary people as well as folks with disabilities or who are chronically ill. Not sure how to place yourself on a sliding scale? We suggest using the image below to consider where you land. 

click to view larger


Equity in Healing Fund

The Equity in Healing fund covers the costs of healing services for BIPOC, queer, trans and low income folks as well as people with disabilities or chronic illness. We ask that members of our community who can afford to do so donate to subsidize members of our community who need help accessing care. We greatly appreciate any contributions to the Equity in Healing fund and we thank you for being our allies in creating access for vulnerable members of our community.

Community Support & Reparations Tickets for Workshops

In addition to offering a sliding scale for all workshops, we offer pricing options that allow folks in our community with financial privilege to cover costs of workshop tickets for folks who may not otherwise be able to attend. The Community Support level ticket will cover the cost of half of admission, while a Reparations ticket will cover the full cost of a workshop ticket. A Reparations or Community Support level ticket will be an add-on when you purchase your workshop ticket. Look for these add-on options when you book in Acuity. If you need assistance, please feel free to email us at getrightwellnesscollective@gmail.com.


If you would like to request a sliding scale rate, a free or subsidized workshop spot through our donated ticket program or that your 1-on-1 session or workshop fee is covered by the Equity in Healing Fund, please email us at getrightwellnesscollective@gmail.com.

As this is a newer project, we are unable to offer Equity in Healing funds toward ongoing psychotherapy. As the project expands, we hope to be able to offer completely subsidized psychotherapy services on an ongoing basis for members of our community who are in need but have limited or no access.